Consultation on draft ITS specifying certain tasks of collection bodies and certain functionalities of the European Single Access Point

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The establishment of the European Single Access Point (ESAP) is a flagship action of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan. The purpose of the ESAP is to facilitate access to publicly available information of relevance to financial services, capital markets and sustainability. The ESAP is expected to become operational in July 2026 and will start publishing information no later than July 2027.

The draft implementing technical standards (ITSs) regarding the tasks of the collection bodies and the functionalities of the ESAP and the requirements they set out are designed to enable future users to effectively harness the comprehensive financial and sustainability information centralised on the ESAP.

Consultation paper

ESAs are seeking input on the proposed rules with regards to:

  1. Tasks of collection bodies: 
  • automated validations to be performed on the information submitted by entities,
  • the characteristics of the Qualified Electronic Seal,
  • the open standard licenses to be applied,
  • the characteristics of the data collection application programming interface (API),
  • the characteristics of the metadata for the information,
  • the time limits for providing the information to ESAP, and
  • the indicative list of formats that are acceptable as data extractable and as machine readable.
  1. Functionalities of the ESAP: 

  • the characteristics of the data publication API,
  • the legal entity identifier to be used to identify the entities that submit the information or to which the information relates,
  • the classification of the types of information,
  • the categories of the size of the entities, and 
  • the characterization of industry sectors to classify the information contained in ESAP and allow users to search for it.

Responding to this Consultation paper

ESAs invite comments on all proposals put forward in the Consultation Paper and in particular on the specific questions summarised in section 6.

Comments are most helpful if they:

  • respond to the question stated;
  • indicate the specific question to which a comment relates;
  • contain a clear rationale;
  • provide evidence to support the views expressed/ rationale proposed; and
  • describe any alternative regulatory choices ESMA should consider.

All contributions should be submitted online using the form available below. The deadline for the submission of comments is 8 March 2024.

Publication of responses 

All received contributions will be published following the end of the consultation, unless requested otherwise.

Data protection

The protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the ESAs is based on Regulation (EU) 1725/2018 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018. Further information on data protection can be found under the Legal notice section of the ESMA, EIOPA and EBA website.

Public hearing

ESAs will organise a public hearing in the form of a webinar. More details will be provided in due course on the ESAs websites. 

Activity Institution Download
Government regulatory & enforcement Joint Research Centre
  • 204130
Others Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)
  • 204198
Others ANASF
  • 204316
Banking German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC)
  • 204330
Government, Regulatory and Enforcement Finnish Patent and Registration Office
  • 204348
  • 204349
Fintech Storied Data Inc.
  • 204361
Credit Rating Agencies S&P Global
  • 204362
Others European Systemic Risk Board
  • 204370
Government, Regulatory and Enforcement Federal Ministry of Justice
  • 204440
Investment Services Kneip
  • 204533
Others XBRL Europe
  • 204536
Others DVFA - German Association of Investment Professionals
  • 204537
Insurance and Pension GDV - German Insurance Association
  • 204543
  • 204544
Others Wikirate International e.V.
  • 204547
Others AFEP
  • 204550
Others The European Federation of Financial Analysts' Societies (EFFAS)
  • 204551
Credit Rating Agencies European Association of Credit Rating Agencies (EACRA)
  • 204552
Issuers Deutsches Aktieninstitut e.V.
  • 204555
The European Federation of Financial Analysts' Societies (EFFAS)
  • 204554
Others Fe fundinfo
  • 204559
  • 204560
Others WM Gruppe
  • 204562
Others FEBIS
  • 204565
  • 204566
Others Notified(GlobeNewswire)
  • 204567
Investment Services FundApps
  • 204568
Bank of Lithuania
  • 204569
Credit Rating Agencies Moody's
  • 204570
Others Clarity AI
  • 204571
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank (OAM Austria)
  • 204572
Issuers EuropeanIssuers
  • 204573
Others CMFB
  • 204579
Others European Committee of Central Balance Sheet Data Offices signed by the chair(R. Kirchner) and the vice-chair(M. Druant), cosigned by Fabienne Fortanier(Statistics&Data Director DeNederlandsche Bank)&Gabriele Meinert(Chief Data Officer Deutsche Bundesbank)
  • 204578
Asset Management BVI
  • 204580
  • 204581
Government, Regulatory and Enforcement Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH
  • 204583
Exchanges and Trading Systems Euronext
  • 204584
Insurance and Pension PensionsEurope
  • 204588
Others Bloomberg LP
  • 204590
Banking Związek Banków Polskich
  • 204594
Asset Management Association de la Gestion Financière (AFG)
  • 204595
Regulated markets, exchanges & trading systems FESE
  • 204599
Investment Services AMAFI
  • 204600