EU funds continue to reduce costs – at low and varying pace

ESMA published its seventh market report on the costs and performance of EU retail investment products, showing a decline in the costs of investing in key financial products. Despite this decline the cost levels of funds in the EU remain high by international standards. With more than 50,000 funds and an average fund size almost 10 times smaller than that of for example US mutual funds, EU funds do not exhaust the economies of scale commensurate with the EU’s single market. The market inefficiencies revealed by this higher cost level shows the need to focus on the competitiveness of EU markets, within a future Savings and Investments Union.

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ESMA releases last policy documents to get ready for MiCA

ESMA published the last package of final reports containing regulatory technical standards and guidelines ahead of the full entry into application of the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA). ESMA has delivered extensive regulatory work over the past 18 months, comprising more than 30 Technical Standards and Guidelines.

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EMIR Active Account Notification

Starting on 24 December 2024, where a financial counterparty (FC) or a non-financial counterparty (NFC) becomes subject to the obligation to hold an active account in accordance with Article 7a(1) of EMIR, that FC or NFC shall notify ESMA and its relevant competent authority. For the purpose of notifying ESMA when counterparties are subject to the active account requirement under Article 7a(1), FCs and NFCs should use the notification template.

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ESMA proposes to move to T+1 by October 2027

ESMA has published its Final Report providing the assessment of the shortening of the settlement cycle in the EU. The report highlights that the increased efficiency and resilience of post-trade processes that should be prompted by a move to T+1 would facilitate achieving the objective of further promoting settlement efficiency in the EU, contributing to market integration and to the Savings and Investment Union objectives.  

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ESMA makes recommendations for more effective and attractive capital markets in the EU

ESMA published its Position Paper on “Building more effective and attractive capital markets in the EU”. The Paper includes 20 recommendations to strengthen EU capital markets and address the needs of European citizens and businesses.

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ESMA Strategic priorities 2023-2028 & Work Programme 2025

ESMA will focus on strengthening supervision, enhancing the protection of retail investors, fostering effective markets and financial stability, enabling sustainable finance, as well as facilitating technological innovation and effective use of data.

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