Responding to this paper
ESMA invites responses to the questions set out throughout this Consultation Paper. Responses are most helpful if they:
respond to the question stated;
contain a clear rationale; and
describe any alternatives ESMA should consider.
ESMA will consider all responses received by 30 November 2017.
In order to facilitate analysis of responses to the Consultation Paper, respondents are requested to follow the below steps when preparing and submitting their response:
Insert your responses to the questions in the Consultation Paper in the form “Response form_Consultation Paper on scrutiny and approval”, available on ESMA’s website alongside the present Consultation Paper ( à ‘Your input – Open consultations’ à ‘Consultation on technical advice under the new Prospectus Regulation’).
Please do not remove tags of the type <ESMA_QUESTION_GBMR_1>. Your response to each question has to be framed by the two tags corresponding to the question.
If you do not wish to respond to a given question, please do not delete it but simply leave the text “TYPE YOUR TEXT HERE” between the tags.
When you have drafted your response, name your response form according to the following convention: ESMA_ GBMR _nameofrespondent_RESPONSEFORM. For example, for a respondent named ABCD, the response form would be entitled ESMA_GBMR_ABCD_RESPONSEFORM.
Upload the form containing your responses, in Word format, to ESMA’s website ( under the heading ‘Your input – Open consultations’ à ‘Consultation on technical advice under the new Prospectus Regulation’).
Publication of responses
All contributions received will be published following the close of the consultation, unless you request otherwise. Please clearly indicate by ticking the appropriate checkbox on the website submission page if you do not wish your contribution to be publicly disclosed. A standard confidentiality statement in an email message will not be treated as a request for non-disclosure. A confidential response may be requested from us in accordance with ESMA’s rules on access to documents. We may consult you if we receive such a request. Any decision we make not to disclose the response is reviewable by ESMA’s Board of Appeal and the European Ombudsman.
Data protection
Information on data protection can be found at under the heading ‘Data protection’.
Who should read this Consultation Paper
This Consultation Paper may be of particular interest to administrators of benchmarks, contributors to benchmarks and users of benchmarks as well as to any market participant who is affected by the Benchmarks Regulation.