ESMA Library

The ESMA Library contains all ESMA documents. Please use the search and filter options to find specific documents.

437 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
2012/848 ESMA clarifies rules for alternative investment funds and their managers Fund Management, Press Releases Press Release DOWNLOAD 110.38 KB
2012/845 Guidelines on key concepts of the AIFMD Fund Management Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 698.69 KB
2012/844 Draft regulatory technical standards on types of AIFMs Fund Management Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 826.57 KB
2012/832 Guidelines on ETFs and other UCITS issues Fund Management Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 333.17 KB
2012/801 ESMA finalises guidelines on repo arrangements for UCITS funds Fund Management, Press Releases Press Release DOWNLOAD 105.28 KB
2012/722 Guidelines on repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements Fund Management Final Report DOWNLOAD 339.57 KB
2012/798 EU and Swiss regulators to co-operate on cross-border supervision of alternative investment funds Fund Management, Press Releases Press Release DOWNLOAD 319.88 KB
2012/721 Opinion on Article 50(2)(a) of the UCITS Directive Fund Management Opinion DOWNLOAD 81.31 KB
2012/475 ESMA publishes ETF guidelines and consults on repo arrangements Fund Management, Press Releases Press Release DOWNLOAD 119.34 KB
2012/474 Report and consultation paper on guidelines on ETFs and other UCITS issues Fund Management Final Report DOWNLOAD 728.1 KB
2012/441 ESMA proposes remuneration guidelines for alternative investment fund managers Fund Management, Press Releases Press Release DOWNLOAD 183.45 KB
Related documents Draft Guidelines on sound remuneration policies under the AIFMD
Translated versions
2012/406 Draft Guidelines on sound remuneration policies under the AIFMD Fund Management Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 1.03 MB
2012/197 sv Riktlinjer om riskbedömning och beräkning av total exponering i vissa typer av strukturerade fondföretag Fund Management, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 265.15 KB
2012/197 sl Smernice o merjenju tveganj in izračunu skupne izpostavljenosti za nekatere vrste strukturiranih UCITS skladov Fund Management, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 267.01 KB
2012/197 sk Usmernenia o meraní rizika a výpočte celkového rizika pre určité typy štruktúrovaných PKIPCP Fund Management, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 272.43 KB
2012/197 ro Ghid privind măsurarea riscului şi calcularea expunerii globale pentru anumite tipuri de OPCVM-uri structurate Fund Management, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 267.6 KB
2012/197 pt Orientações relativas à avaliação do risco e ao cálculo da exposição global de determinados tipos de OICVM estruturados Fund Management, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 268.55 KB
2012/197 pl Wytyczne w sprawie pomiaru ryzyka i obliczania ogólnego narażenia na ryzyko w odniesieniu do niektórych rodzajów UCITS strukturyzowanych Fund Management, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 272.91 KB
2012/197 nl Richtsnoeren voor risicometing en de berekening van het totale risico voor bepaalde types gestructureerde icbe’s Fund Management, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 267.84 KB
2012/197 mt Linji gwida dwar il-kejl tar-riskji u l-kalkolazzjoni tal-espożizzjoni globali għal ċerti tipi ta’ UCITS strutturati Fund Management, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 272.33 KB