Ethics and Conflicts of interest

Independence and professional conduct are crucial for ensuring high standards of excellence for the work of ESMA. The Authority endeavours to operate in a clear and open manner and is mindful of its duty of transparency towards EU citizens.

ESMA strives to ensure that its staff and governing bodies do not have any interests that could affect their impartiality and has put in place specific policies to deal with any potential conflicts of interests. These support the prompt identification and the consequent management of any actual or potential conflict of interests:


Who is concerned?

The Conflict of Interest Policy for ESMA’s governing bodies concern both the Members of the Board of Supervisors and of the Management Board including their officially nominated Alternates. The policy also applies to the non-voting Members such as the heads of the national Competent Authorities of Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA) and the representatives of the European Commission, the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and Observers participating in the Board of Supervisors. Moreover, the Members of the CCP Supervisory Committee, as well as their officially nominated Alternates and Observers are within scope of the Conflict of Interest Policy.

All those subject to this policy are required to submit a “Declaration of Interests” which is assessed by ESMA and made publicly available on its website.

The Conflict of interests and ethics policy for staff applies to ESMA staff during their time at ESMA, as well as after.


How is a conflict of interests defined?

A conflict of interests is defined as a conflict between the public duty of ESMA and any interests of an individual, interests of his/her close family members or of his/her employer, which could improperly influence the performance of his/her official duties and responsibilities, including the duty to act in the sole interest of the Union as a whole, or could compromise his/her impartiality, objectivity or independence.

ESMA’s Conflict of Interest Policy identifies different kinds of interests that should be reported to and assessed by ESMA. These range from economic interests, memberships, activities with employers (including the national competent authority), consultancy activities, intellectual property rights, interests of close family members and any other activities or situations which might create an actual or potential conflict of interests. Wherever a conflict of interests is identified appropriate measures must be taken to either remove it or mitigate it.

Before any meeting or after the launch of a written procedure, Members, their Alternates, non-voting participants as well as Observers participating in the Board of Supervisors, the Management Board and CCP Supervisory Committee meeting and any representative from a relevant national authority have to declare the existence of any interest which might be considered prejudicial to their independence in relation to any item of the agenda.


Professional conduct: the “declaration of intention”

Moreover, all those involved in the activities of ESMA are bound to professional secrecy and to confidentiality requirements pursuant to Article 70 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.

Members of ESMA’s governing bodies have to confirm their compliance with these requirements in a “Declaration of Intention”. In the case of voting members of the Board of Supervisors, Management Board and their officially nominated alternates, this “Declaration of Intention” is also made public.


ESMA Senior Management

  Position Member Documents
ESMA Chair Verena ROSS Declaration of Interests
Confidentiality Undertaking
ESMA Executive Director Natasha CAZENAVE Declaration of Interests
Confidentiality Undertaking

Information on ESMA former Senior Management

Steven Maijoor was appointed as ESMA Chair for two 5-year terms, with his second term running until 31 March 2021. As of 1 April 2021 he serves as a member of the Governing Board of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB).

Verena Ross served as the Executive Director of ESMA for two 5-year terms, until 31 May 2021. As of 1 November 2021 she has been appointed as ESMA Chair, for a 5-year mandate.


Chair and Independent Members of the CCP Supervisory Committee

  Position Member Documents
ESMA Chair – Voting member Klaus LÖBER Declaration of Interests
Confidentiality Undertaking
ESMA Independent Member – Voting member Nicoletta GIUSTO Declaration of Interests
Confidentiality Undertaking
ESMA Independent Member – Voting member Froukelien WENDT Declaration of Interests
Confidentiality Undertaking

ESMA Governing Bodies


Board of Supervisors


Country Authority Member/Alternate Documents


Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) Jean-Paul SERVAIS (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Annemie ROMBOUTS (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests Declaration of Intention


Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) Petar Dzhelepov (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Mariyan IVANOV (Alternate)   CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Czech Republic


Česká národní banka (CNB) Vojtěch BELLING (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests Declaration of Intention
Karel JURÁŠ (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Finanstilsynet Karen Dortea ABELSKOV (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Henrik BRARUP DAMGAARD (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of intention


Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) Thorsten POETZSCH (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Jens FÜRHOFF (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Finantsinspektsioon (FSA) Andre NÕMM (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Kilvar KESSLER (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Central Bank of Ireland Derville ROWLAND (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Gerry CROSS (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Ελληνική Επιτροπή Κεφαλαιαγοράς (HCMC) Vasiliki LAZARAKOU (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Michail FEKKAS (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) Carlos
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Paloma MARÍN (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) Marie-Anne BARBAT-LAYANI (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Sébastien RASPILLER (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Hrvatska agencija za nadzor financijskih usluga (HANFA) Ante ŽIGMAN (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Anamarija STANIČIĆ (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) Carlo COMPORTI (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Paolo SAVONA (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of intention


Επιτροπή Κεφαλαιαγοράς Κύπρου (CySEC) George THEOCHARIDES (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Panikkos VAKKOU (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Latvijas Banka Kristaps SOMS (Member)   CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Santa PURGAILE (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Lietuvos Bankas Vaidas CIBAS (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Dalia JUŠKEVIČIENĖ (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) Claude MARX (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Andrea GENTILINI (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) Gergő SZENICZEY (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Gábor LAKI (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) Christopher BUTTIGIEG (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Lorraine VELLA (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) Jos HEUVELMAN (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Hanzo VAN BEUSEKOM (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA) Eduard MÜLLER (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Birgit PUCK (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego (KNF) Piotr KOZIŃSKI (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Agata GAWIN (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) Luís LAGINHA DE SOUSA (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Inês DRUMOND (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară (ASF) Alexandru PETRESCU (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Ovidiu PETRU (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Agencija za trg vrednostnih papirjev (ATVP) Anka ČADEŽ (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Sabina BEŠTER (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Národná Banka Slovenska (NBS) Peter TKÁČ (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Tomáš AMBRA (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Finanssivalvonta (FSA) Armi TAIPALE (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Maria REKOLA (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Finansinspektionen (FI) Anna CEDERBERG (Member) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention
Annika OTZ (Alternate) CV
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Intention


Some Board of Supervisors Members also act as Management Board Members.


Non-Voting Members 

Country Authority Member/Alternate Documents


Central Bank of Iceland Björk SIGURGÍSLADÓTTIR (Member) Declaration of Interests
Linda KOLBRÚN BJÖRGVINSDÓTTIR (Alternate) Declaration of Interests


Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA) Reto DEGEN (Member) Declaration of Interests
Franz-Anton STEURER (Alternate) Declaration of Interests


Finanstilsynet Marte VOIE OPLAND (Member) Declaration of Interests
Geir HOLEN (Alternate) Declaration of Interests
  EFTA Surveillance Authority Stefan BARRIGA (Member) Declaration of Interests
Jonina SIGRUN LARUSDOTTIR (Alternate) Declaration of Interests
  European Commission Martin MERLIN Declaration of Interests
  European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) Francesco MAZZAFERRO Declaration of Interests
  European Banking Authority (EBA) François-Louis MICHAUD Declaration of Interests
  European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) Fausto PARENTE     Declaration of Interests

Members of the CCP Supervisory Committee

Country Authority Member/Alternate Conflict of Interests Policy declarations


Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht​ (Bafin) Holger Helms (Voting Member)
Christina Grulke (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Ελληνική Επιτροπή Κεφαλαιαγοράς (HCMC) Katia Ntai (Voting Member)
Nikolia Psychogyiou (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) Roberto Bermejo (Voting Member)
Miguel Ángel Herrero Alvite (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Banque de France (BdF) Audrey Metzger (Voting Member)
Bertille Delaveau (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Autorité des Marchés Financiers​ (AMF) Delphine Vandenbulcke (Voting Member)
Patrice Aguesse (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution
Thomas Ros (Voting Member)
Jean-Sébastien Cagnioncle (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Hrvatska agencija za nadzor financijskih usluga (HANFA) Jurica Jednačak (Voting Member)
Tajana Labudović (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Banca d'Italia (BdI) Barbara Lupi (Voting Member)
Cristina Di Luigi (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests 
Declaration of Interests
Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) Salvatore Giovanni Lo Giudice (Voting Member)
Diego Monorchio (Alternate)  
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Magyar Nemzeti Bank ​(MNB) Daniel Rácz (Voting Member)
Miklós Luspay (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


De Nederlandsche Bank​ (DNB) Pieter Zeijlemaker (Voting Member)
Bouke Buitenkamp (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) Suzanne Van Scheijen (Voting Member)
Diederik Dreijer (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA) Roman Bitter (Voting Member)
Ulrike Rhomberg (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego (KNF) Dorota Ubysz (Voting Member)
Maciej Kucharski (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) Manuela Peixe (Voting Member)
Elizabetth Sequeira (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Finansinspektionen (FI) Karin Jedkvist (Voting Member)
Therese Rova (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Central Banks of Issue  
EU European Central Bank (ECB) Fiona van Echelpoel (Non-voting Member)
Simonetta Rosati (Alternate)


Danmarks Nationalbank (DN) Jens Skovsted Halsnæs (Non-voting Member)
Allan Nouri (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Narodowy Bank Polski (NBP) Michał Konopczak (Non-voting Member)
Adam Jankowski (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Sveriges Riksbank (SR) Johanna Stenkula von Rosen (Non-voting Member)
Anders Rydén (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests

** ECB staff is subject to an equivalent ECB conflict of interest policy.


Chair, Members and Observers of the CCP Resolution Committee

Country Authority Member/Observer/Alternate Conflict of Interests Policy declarations
  ESMA Sophie Vuarlot-Dignac (Chair) Declaration of Interests


Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA / Finanzmarktaufsicht) Oliver Schütz (Member)
Thomas Pillichshammer (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


National Bank of Belgium (NBB) Grégory Nguyen (Member)
Sara Pauwels (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Bulgarian FSC Petar Dzelepov (Member)
Krasimira Ivanova (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Bulgarian National Bank (BNB / Българска народна банка) Emilia Dimitrova (Observer)
Vergil Lazarov (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA) Ksenija Milošević (Member)
Anamarija Staničić (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Croatian National Bank (Hrvatska Narodna Banka) Lidija Pranjić (Observer) Declaration of Interests


Central Bank of Cyprus Panayiotis Vlamis (Member)
Georgios Andreou (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Czech Republic


Czech National Bank (CNB / Ceska Narodni Banka) Radek Urban (Member) Declaration of Interests


Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Danish FSA / Finanstilsynet) Marinó Örn Ólafsson (Member)
Marcus Aleksander Wiinstedt Clausen (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Financial Supervision Authority (Finantsinspektsioon) Kerli Valdre (Member) Declaration of Interests


Finnish Financial Stability Authority (Rahoitusvakausvirasto) Anni-Mari Karvinen (Member)
Harri Hämäläinen (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (Fin-FSA / Finanssivalvonta)  Jukka Laitinen (Observer)
Jenni Koskinen (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Prudential Supervisory and Resolution Authority (ACPR / Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution) Mathieu Gex (Member)
Ben Konaré (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Jean-Sébastien Cagnioncle (Observer)
Haroun Monjoin (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin / Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) Stephanie Danker (Member)
Peter Schmitt (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Deutsche Bundesbank Dirk Schrade (Observer)
Johannes Kaiser (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Επιτροπή Κεφαλαιαγοράς) Christina Verra (Member)
Konstantina Kayki (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Hungarian National Bank (Nemzeti Bank) Antal Stréda (Member)
Krisztina Mohácsi (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Central Bank of Ireland Hugo Slevin (Member) Declaration of Interests


Bank of Italy (Banca d'Italia) Roberto Cercone (Member) Declaration of Interests


Bank of Latvia (Latvijas Banka) Marina Miļanceviča (Member)
Liene Bergholde (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (Finanzmarktaufsicht) Julia Klingler (Alternate) Declaration of Interests


Bank of Lithuania (Lietuvos Bankas) Andrius Juškys (Member)
Gabriele Inokaitienė (Alternate)  
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Commission for the Supervision of Financial Sector (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) Joëlle Martiny (Member)
Markus Pokorni (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) Christian Buttigieg (Member)
Mellyora Ellul (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


The Netherlends Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank) Arlette Westdorp (Member)
Josine Steggink (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Polish Bank Guarantee Fund (Bankowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny) Karolina Zawilska (Member)
Jakub Zaleski (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego) Martyna Jędroszyk (Observer)
Jan Abramowski (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA Romania / Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară) Florin Mitruș (Member)
Sorin Florescu (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
National Bank of Romania (Banca Naţională a României) Alexandru Dobrev (Observer)
Claudiu Negrea (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


National Securities Market Commission (Comision Nacional de Mercado de Valores - CNMV) María José Gómez Yubero (Member)
Maribel Herrero (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Bank of Spain (Banco de España) Ramiro Mombiela (Observer)
Virginia Serrano (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Spanish Executive Resolution Authority (FROB) Amalia Cordero Martínez (Observer)
Jorge Rodellar (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests


Swedish National Debt Office (Riksgälden) Anna Lidberg (Member)
Mattias Fransson (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) Erik Willers (Observer)
Oliver Bakic (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
EU European Banking Authority Francesco Mauro (Observer)
Antonella Pisani (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) Juan Zschiesche Sanchez (Observer) Declaration of Interests
European Central Bank (ECB) Juha Ojansivu (Observer)
Marcel Bräutigam (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
EU Commission Yann Germaine (Observer)
Florentijn Kloosterman (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests
Single Resolution Board (SRB) Pedro Machado (Observer)
Gaetan Viallard (Alternate)
Declaration of Interests
Declaration of Interests