New ESMA website


We have renovated our website, to propose updated content, new features and an improved search engine. 

The structure of the information has been changed to fit with ESMA’s new strategic orientation, with more prominence given to our work on Supervision and Supervisory Convergence, and less focus on the internal organisation of ESMA. In addition, a full review and update of the content has taken place, to ensure that all the available information is up to date.

An updated website also means a change in the structure of the information, and changes to links. This means that most direct links to documents and pages have changed, and you will instead be sent to the front page of the ESMA Library.  We hope that the improved search engine will make it easy for you to find what you are looking for, but if not please contact 

For a quick How to on our new functionalities, please have a look at the FAQ page