Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II remuneration requirements

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Investor protection

This paper is primarily of interest to competent authorities and investment firms that are subject to Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (MiFID II). In particular, this paper is addressed to investment firms and credit institutions providing investment services and activities, investment firms and credit institutions when selling structured deposits, UCITS management companies and external Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) when providing investment services and activities in accordance with the UCITS Directive1 and the AIFMD2. This paper is also important for consumer groups, investors and trade associations, because the guidelines seek to implement enhanced provisions to ensure investor protection, with potential impacts for anyone engaged in the dealing with or processing of financial instruments.

Activity Institution Download
Banking German Banking Industry Committee
  • 121445
Investment Services Swedish Securities Markets Association
  • 121472
Banking Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Division Bank and Insurance
  • 121828
Banking European Savings and Retail Banking Group
  • 121483
Others Finance Finland
  • 121494
Banking Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
  • 121504
Banking European Association of Co-operative Banks
  • 121505
Banking European Banking Federation
  • 121520
Asset Management AIMA
  • 121829
Banking Polish Bank Association
  • 121555
Asset Management Assogestioni
  • 121556
Investment Services ANASF
  • 121557
Investment Services ASSORETI
  • 124352
Insurance and Pension German Insurance Association (GDV)
  • 121561
Others UNI Europa Finance
  • 121562
Insurance and Pension BIPAR
  • 121563
  • 121564
Others FECIF European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries
  • 121565
Asset Management BVI German Fund Association
  • 121568
Others Italian Banking Association
  • 121570