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ESMA Library

The ESMA Library contains all ESMA documents. Please use the search and filter options to find specific documents.

6638 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
ESMA22-106-3714 Summary of conclusions Board of Supervisors - 17 November 2021 Board of Supervisors Summary of Conclusions DOWNLOAD 187.47 KB
ESMA91-372-1977 ESMA91-372-1977 Response form to the Consultation paper on the Review of EMIR RTS on APC measures CCP Reference DOWNLOAD 626.16 KB
ESMA71-99-1801 Press_Release_CP to review CCP anti-procycliality measures CCP Press Release DOWNLOAD 97.83 KB
ESMA43-318-11471 Breach of union law investigations Board of Supervisors Reference DOWNLOAD 110.88 KB
ESMA91-372-1975 ESMA91-372-1975 Consultation Paper on review of EMIR RTS on APC margin measures CCP Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 2.78 MB
JC 2022 02 ESAs welcome ESRB Recommendation on a pan-European systemic cyber incident coordination framework for relevant authorities Digital Finance and Innovation, Joint Committee Statement DOWNLOAD 244.55 KB
ESMA35-43-2998 Draft Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II suitability requirements Investor protection Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 527.96 KB
ESMA70-447-1885 Statement on new NSP notification threshold Market Integrity, Short Selling Statement DOWNLOAD 90.32 KB
ESMA71-99-1809 Press Release - ESMA appoints two new members to its Management Board Board of Supervisors, About ESMA, Management Board Press Release DOWNLOAD 96.76 KB
ESMA81-459-44 Minutes of the euro risk-free rates WG Meeting 03/12/2021 Benchmarks Reference DOWNLOAD 209.54 KB
ESMA80-416-220 Letter to Co-Legislators on Regulation for European Green Bonds Sustainable finance Letter DOWNLOAD 107.55 KB
ESMA32-339-197 Letter to IASB’s Request for Information on the Post Implementation Review of IFRS 9 – Classification and Measurement Issuer disclosure, Audit, Financial reporting Letter DOWNLOAD 211.67 KB
ESMA70-156-4859 Report on the application of accepted market practices_2021 Market Integrity Report DOWNLOAD 1.63 MB
ESMA32-67-184 Compliance table - guidelines on APMs ESMA 2015-1415 Issuer disclosure, Guidelines and Technical standards Compliance table DOWNLOAD 127.7 KB
ESMA22-106-3706 Summary of Conclusions Management Board - 16 November 2021 Management Board Summary of Conclusions DOWNLOAD 91.21 KB
ESMA63-43-2133 ESMA Budget Amendment n.1 for 2021 About ESMA Reference DOWNLOAD 353.45 KB
ESMA22-440-234 ESMA Staff Stakeholder contacts in the fourth quarter 2021 About ESMA Reference DOWNLOAD 103.14 KB
ESMA22-106-3809 SMSG response to ESAs on their joint Call for evidence on the European Commission mandate regarding the PRIIPs Regulation Fund Management, Joint Committee, Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group Reference DOWNLOAD 325.26 KB
ESMA35-30-703 Call for expression of interest: CWG of ESMA's IPISC Investor protection Reference DOWNLOAD 188.91 KB
ESMA Chair calendar 2021 Calendar of the Chair of ESMA About ESMA Reference DOWNLOAD 125.5 KB