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ESMA Library

The ESMA Library contains all ESMA documents. Please use the search and filter options to find specific documents.

6638 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
ESMA35-43-3301 Report on Sanctions and measures imposed under MiFID II in 2021 Investor protection Report DOWNLOAD 900.31 KB
ESMA91-398-5549 ESMA updates on third-country CCPs’ applications for recognition CCP Statement DOWNLOAD 114.39 KB
ESMA35-43-3114 CP on Review of the Guidelines on MiFID II product governance requirements Investor protection Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 718.74 KB
ESMA35-43-3137 ESMA presents the results of the 2021 Common Supervisory Action (CSA) on MiFID II product governance requirements Investor protection, Supervisory convergence Statement DOWNLOAD 119.34 KB
ESMA32-384-5422 Public Statement_ Prospectus supervision in the context of EU sanctions connected to RU’s invasion of UA Prospectus Statement DOWNLOAD 241.41 KB
Newsletter ESMA Newsletter June 2022 ESMA newsletter Reference DOWNLOAD 12.17 MB
ESMA71-99-1971 ESMA stress test of Central Counterparties finds clearing system resilient - Press Release CCP, Post Trading, Press Releases Press Release DOWNLOAD 133.38 KB
Related documents 4th ESMA CCP Stress Test Report 4th ESMA CCP Stress Test FAQ
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ESMA91-372-2239 4th ESMA CCP Stress Test FAQ CCP, Post Trading Reference DOWNLOAD 352.51 KB
Related documents ESMA stress test of Central Counterparties finds clearing system resilient - Press Release 4th ESMA CCP Stress Test Report
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ESMA91-372-2060 4th ESMA CCP Stress Test Report CCP, Post Trading Report DOWNLOAD 4 MB
Related documents ESMA stress test of Central Counterparties finds clearing system resilient - Press Release 4th ESMA CCP Stress Test FAQ
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ESMA22-106-4013 Letter from ESMA Chair to EC - Prioritisation of 2022 ESMA deliverables About ESMA, Market Abuse, Market Integrity, Trading, Post Trading, Trading Letter DOWNLOAD 136.79 KB
ESMA70-156-177 Compliance table for the Guidelines on the calibration of circuit breakers and publication of trading halts under MiFID II (ESMA70-872942901-63) Trading Compliance table DOWNLOAD 147.64 KB
ESMA91-398-5595 Public Statement FICC and OCC June 2022 CCP, Press Releases Statement DOWNLOAD 75.42 KB
ESMA02-91-3297 ESMA Final Accounts Financial Year 2021 Board of Supervisors, About ESMA, Management Board, About ESMA Reference DOWNLOAD 803.28 KB
ESMA80-416-347 ESMA Letter on ESG Ratings Call for Evidence Sustainable finance Letter DOWNLOAD 461.13 KB
ESMA34-32-418 AIFMD MoUs signed by the EU authorities Fund Management, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 49.99 KB
ESMA63-53-5306 Annual list of contractors - 2021 Procurement Reference DOWNLOAD 204.27 KB
ESMA22-106-3954 Summary of conclusions Board of Supervisors - 22-23 March 2022 Board of Supervisors Summary of Conclusions DOWNLOAD 181.46 KB
ESMA22-106-3844 Summary of conclusions Board of Supervisors - 25-26 January 2022 Board of Supervisors Summary of Conclusions DOWNLOAD 236.46 KB
ESMA70-451-500 Statement on the Implementation of the clearing obligation for pension scheme arrangements Post Trading Statement DOWNLOAD 73.53 KB
ESMA71-99-1968 ESMA 2021 Annual Report Press Release Board of Supervisors, About ESMA, Management Board, About ESMA Press Release DOWNLOAD 133.56 KB
Related documents 2021 Annual Report
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