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ESMA Library

The ESMA Library contains all ESMA documents. Please use the search and filter options to find specific documents.

6639 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
ESMA81-390-638 ESMA and the Austrian Financial Market Authority welcome EURIBOR panel enlargement Benchmarks Press Release DOWNLOAD 78.49 KB
JC 2022 28 Joint Committee Work Programme 2023 Joint Committee Reference DOWNLOAD 198.75 KB
JC 2022 42 Final Report on SFDR amendments for nuclear and gas activities Joint Committee, Sustainable finance Final Report DOWNLOAD 1.07 MB
ESMA70-451-502 Report on the Review of the clearing thresholds under EMIR Post Trading Report DOWNLOAD 584.97 KB
ESMA35-43-3328 Public statement on the impact of inflation in the context of investment services to retail clients Investor protection Statement DOWNLOAD 132.05 KB
ESMA70-460-111 Report on the DLT Pilot Regime Digital Finance and Innovation, Trading Report DOWNLOAD 680.69 KB
ESMA Independent Member of CCP SC N. Giusto Calendar 2021 Calendar of CCP Supervisory Committee Independent Member, Nicoletta Giusto (August-December 2021) CCP Reference DOWNLOAD 176.61 KB
ESMA81-459-69 Recommendation from the Working Group on Euro Risk-Free Rates on the availability of derivative products referencing €STR Benchmarks Reference DOWNLOAD 92.51 KB
ESMA70-156-6040 Response form - Consultation Paper - Market Outages Trading Reference DOWNLOAD 771.73 KB
ESMA70-156-6040 Consultation Paper - Market Outages Trading Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 721.69 KB
ESMA70-872942901-36 Q&A on MiFID II and MiFIR commodity derivatives topics Trading Q&A DOWNLOAD 458.9 KB
ESMA Independent Member of CCP SC F. Wendt Calendar 2021 Calendar of CCP SC Independent Member, Froukelien Wendt CCP Reference DOWNLOAD 182.35 KB
ESMA35-43-3172 Final report - Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II suitability requirements Investor protection Final Report DOWNLOAD 612.85 KB
ESMA24-436-1414 Letter to EC on energy derivatives CCP, Market Integrity, Trading, Post Trading Letter DOWNLOAD 110.01 KB
Ares(2022)6980063 Letter from the EC to ESMA on energy derivatives CCP, Market Integrity, Trading, Post Trading Letter DOWNLOAD 228.62 KB
ESMA91-372-2193 Consultation Paper on Draft RTS on Business Reorganisation Plans (Articles 37(4) and 38(4) of CCPRRR) CCP Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 562.57 KB
ESMA91-372-1630 Response Form to the Consultation Paper on Draft RTS on Business Reorganisation Plans (Article 37(4) and 38(4) of CCPRRR CCP Reference DOWNLOAD 627.43 KB
CPD22 Joint ESAs Consumer Protection Day - Programme Joint Committee, Investor protection Reference DOWNLOAD 234.44 KB
JC 2022 47 List of SFDR queries requiring the interpretation of Union law Joint Committee, Sustainable finance Q&A DOWNLOAD 171.44 KB
JC 2022 40 Joint ESA report on Risks and Vulnerabilities in the EU financial system No 2 2022 Joint Committee, Market data Report DOWNLOAD 570.49 KB