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ESMA Library

The ESMA Library contains all ESMA documents. Please use the search and filter options to find specific documents.

6638 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
JC 2023 77 Consultation Paper on joint Guidelines on the system for the exchange of information relevant to fit and proper assessments Investor protection, Joint Committee Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 431.89 KB
ESEF Conformance Suite 2023 ESEF Conformance Suite 2023 Electronic reporting Reference DOWNLOAD 2.05 MB
Related documents

Main document:

2023 ESEF conformance suite test files

Related documents:

ESEF conformance suite 2023 documentation

ESEF conformance suite 2023 summary of tests


Copyright notice © IFRS Foundation

Copyright and database right in the IFRS Taxonomy Materials is being held by the IFRS Foundation. The IFRS Taxonomy Materials are produced using XBRL language with the permission of XBRL International.

The IFRS Foundation shall not assert its rights in the IFRS Taxonomy Materials within the EEA towards the preparation and use of tagged IFRS financial statements in the context of application of IFRS Standards.

The IFRS Foundation reserves all other rights, including but not limited to those outside the EEA.

Commercial use including reproduction is strictly prohibited. For further information please contact the IFRS Foundation at

Translated versions
ESMA32-60-887 ESEF Taxonomy 2022 Electronic reporting Reference
Related documents

ESEF taxonomy 2022 - entry points 

Main document:

ESEF taxonomy 2022 v1.1 

Related documents:

ESEF XBRL Taxonomy Documentation 2022

ESEF Taxonomy 2022 Architecture

ESEF Validation Rules 2022 v 1.1


Copyright notice © IFRS Foundation

Copyright and database right in the IFRS Taxonomy Materials is being held by the IFRS Foundation. The IFRS Taxonomy Materials are produced using XBRL language with the permission of XBRL International.

The IFRS Foundation shall not assert its rights in the IFRS Taxonomy Materials within the EEA towards the preparation and use of tagged IFRS financial statements in the context of application of IFRS Standards.

The IFRS Foundation reserves all other rights, including but not limited to those outside the EEA.

Commercial use including reproduction is strictly prohibited. For further information please contact the IFRS Foundation at

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ESMA50-524821-2930 EU Derivatives Markets - 2023 Market data, Risk monitoring Report DOWNLOAD 2.6 MB
ESMA71-545613100-2402 Making finance work for a sustainable future - Press Release Benchmarks, CCP, Credit Rating Agencies, Fund Management, Investor protection, Issuer disclosure, Press Releases, Sustainable finance Press Release DOWNLOAD 297.43 KB
ESMA71-702228251-2720 ESMA contributions to sustainable finance - visuals Benchmarks, CCP, Credit Rating Agencies, Fund Management, Investor protection, Issuer disclosure, Sustainable finance Reference DOWNLOAD 829.77 KB
JC 2023 55 Final Report on draft RTS on the review of PAI and financial product disclosures in the SFDR Delegated Regulation Joint Committee, Sustainable finance Final Report DOWNLOAD 1.98 MB
Related documents
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ESMA81-1071567537-121 Working Group on Euro Risk-Free Rates Final Statement Benchmarks Statement DOWNLOAD 227.23 KB
ESAs JC Factsheet Sustainable Finance ESAs Joint Committee Sustainable Finance Factsheet Investor protection, Joint Committee, Sustainable finance Reference DOWNLOAD 1.21 MB
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ESMA63-43-2401 Budget Amendment n.2 for 2023 About ESMA Reference DOWNLOAD 312.85 KB
ESMA32-389550249-174 Letter to IAASB on the Proposed International Standard on Sustainability Assurance (ISSA) 5000, General Requirements for Sustainability Assurance Engagements Financial reporting, Issuer disclosure Letter DOWNLOAD 224.52 KB
ESMA32-1283113657-1139 Verena Ross' Keynote speech at EFRAG Conference 2023, 28 November 2023 Financial reporting, Speeches, Sustainable finance Speech DOWNLOAD 190.06 KB
Related documents

State of play in financial reporting

Translated versions
ESMA34-44599010-313 Verena Ross' speech at EFAMA Investment Management Forum, 24 November 2023 Fund Management, Risk monitoring, Speeches, Supervisory convergence, Sustainable finance Speech DOWNLOAD 181.58 KB
ESMA30-1668416927-2548 Concept of estimates across the EU Sustainable Finance framework Sustainable finance Reference DOWNLOAD 174.82 KB
Related documents ‘Do No Significant Harm’ definitions and criteria across the EU Sustainable Finance framework Concepts of sustainable investments and environmentally sustainable activities in the EU Sustainable Finance framework

ESMA publishes three explanatory notes covering key topics of the Sustainable Finance (SF) framework: a) definition of sustainable investments; b) application of do no significant harm (DNSH) requirements; and c) use of estimates

The notes aim at setting out factual information regarding these concepts and providing helpful aide to stakeholders to navigate and better understand the Sustainable Finance legislative framework. These documents are purely descriptive. They are not intended to replace relevant legal texts nor to provide guidance on the application of relevant provisions.

Translated versions
ESMA30-379-2279 Concepts of sustainable investments and environmentally sustainable activities in the EU Sustainable Finance framework Sustainable finance Reference DOWNLOAD 323.73 KB
Related documents ‘Do No Significant Harm’ definitions and criteria across the EU Sustainable Finance framework Concept of estimates across the EU Sustainable Finance framework

ESMA publishes three explanatory notes covering key topics of the Sustainable Finance (SF) framework: a) definition of sustainable investments; b) application of do no significant harm (DNSH) requirements; and c) use of estimates

The notes aim at setting out factual information regarding these concepts and providing helpful aide to stakeholders to navigate and better understand the Sustainable Finance legislative framework. These documents are purely descriptive. They are not intended to replace relevant legal texts nor to provide guidance on the application of relevant provisions.

Translated versions
ESMA30-379-2281 ‘Do No Significant Harm’ definitions and criteria across the EU Sustainable Finance framework Sustainable finance Reference DOWNLOAD 351.39 KB
Related documents Concepts of sustainable investments and environmentally sustainable activities in the EU Sustainable Finance framework Concept of estimates across the EU Sustainable Finance framework

ESMA publishes three explanatory notes covering key topics of the Sustainable Finance (SF) framework: a) definition of sustainable investments; b) application of do no significant harm (DNSH) requirements; and c) use of estimates

The notes aim at setting out factual information regarding these concepts and providing helpful aide to stakeholders to navigate and better understand the Sustainable Finance legislative framework. These documents are purely descriptive. They are not intended to replace relevant legal texts nor to provide guidance on the application of relevant provisions.

Translated versions
ESMA81-1071567537-90 Comparative Table of Available Term €STR Rates Benchmarks Reference DOWNLOAD 256.17 KB
ESMA75-840896669-368 Verena Ross' speech at Malta FSA Forum on MiCA, 16 November 2023 Digital Finance and Innovation, Speeches Speech DOWNLOAD 186.54 KB
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Innovation with protection: the next steps on the MiCA journey

Translated versions
ESMA32-1399193447-528 Call for Expression of Interest ISC CWG for Corporate Reporting Financial reporting Reference DOWNLOAD 160.09 KB
Related documents Application form - Call for expression of interest ISC CWG for Corporate Reporting
Translated versions
ESMA32-1399193447-527 Application form - Call for expression of interest ISC CWG for Corporate Reporting Financial reporting Reference DOWNLOAD 44.92 KB