ESMA Library

The ESMA Library contains all ESMA documents. Please use the search and filter options to find specific documents.

170 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
2015/1131 ESMA Opinion on the renewal of emergency measure by the Greek HCMC under short selling regulation Short Selling, Market Integrity Opinion DOWNLOAD 110.11 KB
Related documents ESMA Opinion on emergency measure by the Greek HCMC under short selling regulation ESMA Opinion on the renewal of emergency measure by the Greek HCMC under the Short Selling Regulation
Translated versions
2015/1104 ESMA Opinion on the renewal of emergency measure by the Greek HCMC under the Short Selling Regulation Short Selling, Market Integrity Opinion DOWNLOAD 108.42 KB
2015/1066 ESMA Opinion on emergency measure by the Greek HCMC under short selling regulation Short Selling Opinion DOWNLOAD 93.83 KB
2014/1355 ESMA opinion on the renewal of short positions ban in Italy Short Selling Opinion DOWNLOAD 114.46 KB
2014/1312 ESMA opinion on emergency measure by the Italian CONSOB under the short-selling regulation Short Selling Opinion DOWNLOAD 137.35 KB
2013/649 ESMA publishes review on impact of short selling regulation Short Selling, Press Releases Press Release DOWNLOAD 170.99 KB
2013-614 ESMA’s technical advice on short selling regulation Short Selling Technical Advice DOWNLOAD 2.3 MB
2013/542 Emergency measure by the Greek HCMC under Section 1 of Chapter V of Regulation No 236/2012 on short selling and certain aspects of credit default swaps Short Selling, Market Integrity Opinion DOWNLOAD 96.41 KB
2013/74 DE Ausnahme für Market-Making-Tätigkeiten und Primärmarkttätigkeiten gemäß der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 236/2012 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über Leerverkäufe und bestimmte Aspekte von Credit Default Swaps Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 638.62 KB
2013/74 SV Undantag för marketmakerfunktioner och primärmarknadsoperationer enligt Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EU) nr 236/2012 om blankning och vissa aspekter av kreditswappar Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 533.82 KB
2013/74 ES Exención para las actividades de creación de mercado y las actividades de los operadores primarios autorizados en virtud del Reglamento (UE) n.° 236/2012 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre las ventas en corto y determinados aspectos de las permuta Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 517.42 KB
2013/74 SL O izjemi za dejavnosti vzdrževanja trga in za dejavnosti na primarnem trgu v skladu z Uredbo (EU) 236/2012 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o prodaji na kratko in določenih vidikih poslov kreditnih zamenjav Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 490.09 KB
2013/74 SK Výnimka pre činnosti tvorby trhu a operácie na primárnom trhu podľa nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) č. 236/2012 o predaji nakrátko a určitých aspektoch swapov na úverové zlyhanie Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 598.56 KB
2013/74 RO Derogări pentru activităţile de formator de piaţă şi operaţiunile de pe piaţa primară conform Regulamentului (UE) nr. 236/2012 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului privind vânzarea în lipsă şi anumite aspecte ale swapurilor pe riscul de credit Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 534.03 KB
2013/74 PT Isenção para as atividades de criação de mercado e as operações do mercado primário ao abrigo do Regulamento (UE) n.º 236/2012 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho relativo às vendas a descoberto e a certos aspetos dos swaps de risco de incumprimento Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 639.51 KB
2013/74 PL Wyłączenie w przypadku działalności animatora rynku oraz działalności na rynku pierwotnym na mocy rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 236/2012 w sprawie krótkiej sprzedaży i wybranych aspektów dotyczących swapów ryzyka kredytowego Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 628.33 KB
2013/74 NL Vrijstelling voor activiteiten van marketmakers en handelingen op de primaire markt krachtens Verordening (EU) nr. 236/2012 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad betreffende short selling en bepaalde aspecten van kredietverzuimswaps Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 524.15 KB
2013/74 MT Eżenzjoni għal attivitajiet ta’ ġenerazzjoni tas-suq u operazzjonijiet fis-suq primarju skont ir-Regolament (UE) Nru 236/2012 tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill Council dwar bejgħ bin-nieqes u ċerti aspetti tas-swaps ta’ inadempjenza tal-kreditu Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 551.64 KB
2013/74 LT Rinkos formavimo veiklai ir operacijoms pirminėje rinkoje taikomos išimtys pagal Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos Reglamentą (ES) 236/2012 dėl skolintų vertybinių popierių pardavimo ir tam tikrų kredito įsipareigojimų neįvykdymo apsikeitimo sandorių aspektų Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 515.2 KB
2013/74 LV Atbrīvojums tirgus uzturētāja darbībām un primārā tirgus operācijām saskaņā ar Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regulu (ES) Nr. 236/2012 par īso pārdošanu un dažiem kredītriska mijmaiņas darījumu aspektiem Short Selling, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 771.14 KB