Verena Ross appointed Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, next Chair will be Verena Ross. The appointment was confirmed by the Council of the European Union at its meeting today in Brussels. Ms Ross will take up her position on 1 November 2021.
Anneli Tuominen, Interim Chair, said:
“I am extremely delighted to welcome Verena’s appointment as the new Chair of ESMA. She brings with her an in-depth knowledge of European and global markets as well as of ESMA itself, which will be invaluable and I am, along with the Board of Supervisors and Management Board, looking forward to working with Verena
“For my own part it has been an honour to lead ESMA for the last 7 months and I want to thank ESMA staff for their commitment and praise them for their high level of expertise. My thanks also to my colleagues on the Management Board and Board of Supervisors for their support.”
Verena Ross, incoming Chair, said
“I am honoured to have been entrusted with this role as ESMA enters its second decade. I am looking forward to working with the Board members, ESMA staff and our stakeholders in responding to the challenges and opportunities faced by the European Union and its capital markets. I believe that ESMA has an important role to play in ensuring that European markets support the financial needs of its companies and citizens.”
Ms. Ross replaces Steven Maijoor, the former Chair, and is appointed for a five-year term, renewable once. A German national, she was Executive Director at ESMA from 2011 to 2021, having previously held regulatory and supervisory roles in London. Anneli Tuominen, Vice Chair of ESMA and Director-General at the FIN-FSA of Finland, has acted as Interim Chair since 1 April 2021 and will relinquish this position on 31 October 2021.