ESMA’s CCP Supervisory Committee releases strategic objectives for 2023-2025 to drive supervisory activities
ESMA’s CCP Supervisory Committee (CCP SC) today published strategic objectives, in line with ESMA’s overall strategy for the period 2023-2028 which was launched yesterday.
Three strategic objectives are identified for ESMA in relation to CCPs:
- Strengthening EU CCP resilience;
- Addressing third-country CCP cross-border risks; and
- Deepening risk- and data-driven supervision
The CCP strategic objectives build on ESMA’s achievements following the establishment of the CCP SC and outline the most relevant areas of ESMA’s work in relation to CCPs for the next three years.
These objectives will contribute to achieving ESMA’s strategic priorities of strengthening supervision and ensuring fair, orderly and effective markets, whilst promoting sustainability and technological and data innovation.