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The ESMA Library contains all ESMA documents. Please use the search and filter options to find specific documents.

6537 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
04-660c The integration of the single market for financial services: the Eurosystem perspective - by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 60.8 KB
04-660e Transparency in Costs, Practices and Performances - by Jean-Pierre Paelinck, Euroshareholders CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 27.75 KB
04-660d Speech by Michel Pébereau, President of the European Banking Federation CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 47.47 KB
04-660b The integration of European Financial Markets: What challenges ahead? - by Pervenche Berès, Chair of EMAC, European Parliament CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 144.73 KB
04-660f Fully integrated market of funds? - by Francois Delooz, Head of Asset Management at BNP Paribas CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 24.4 KB
Addendum 2004/39/EC Addendum to the formal request for technical advice on possible implementing measures on the Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments (Directive 2004/39/EC. CESR Archive Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 114.41 KB
04-612b CESR’s technical advice to the European Commission on possible measures concerning credit rating agencies CESR Archive Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 794.35 KB
04-638 Press release - CESR publishes a technical advice to the European Commission on possible measures concerning credit rating agencies CESR Archive Press Release DOWNLOAD 82.15 KB
04-614 Work plan for future work on MiFID CESR Archive Reference DOWNLOAD 53.83 KB
04-603b CESR’s Draft Technical Advice on Possible Implementing Measures of the Directive 2004/39/EC on Markets in Financial Instruments CESR Archive Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 288.91 KB
04-593 Press release - CESR publishes the results of investigations of mis-practises in the European investment fund industry CESR Archive Press Release DOWNLOAD 67.31 KB
04-407 Investigation of Mispractices in the European Fund Industry CESR Archive Final Report DOWNLOAD 226.29 KB
04-511 CESR's advice on possible implementing measures of the Transparency Directive CESR Archive Final Report DOWNLOAD 711.54 KB
04-578 Press release - CESR publishes its Advice on Possible Implementing Measures of the Transparency Directive CESR Archive Press Release DOWNLOAD 95.42 KB
04-586 Formal Mandate to CESR for Advice on Possible Modifications to the UCITS Directive in the form of Clarification of Defenitions Concerning Eligible Assets for Investment of UCITS CESR Archive Reference DOWNLOAD 164.56 KB
04-579 Press release - CESR launches a Call for Evidence on possible modifications of the UCITS Directive CESR Archive Press Release DOWNLOAD 89.88 KB
04-527b The role of CESR at Level 3 under the Lamfalussy Process CESR Archive Reference DOWNLOAD 233.17 KB
04-588 Press release - CESR publishes a paper entitled 'The Role of CESR at “Level 3” Under the Lamfalussy Process' CESR Archive Press Release DOWNLOAD 149.97 KB
04-349 Summary of responses to the consultation on the Role of CESR at “Level 3” Under the Lamfalussy Process CESR Archive Final Report DOWNLOAD 120.6 KB
04-505 Consultation paper - Facilitating the implementation of the Market Abuse Directive Market Abuse Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 284.76 KB