ESMA Library

The ESMA Library contains all ESMA documents. Please use the search and filter options to find specific documents.

265 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
ESMA34-38 Keynote speech Natasha Cazenave - Salone del Risparmio, 17 September 2021 Fund Management, Investor protection, Speeches Speech DOWNLOAD 176.16 KB
ESMA32-63-1156 Public statement Application of TD requirements following Brexit Brexit, Issuer disclosure, Financial reporting, Supervisory convergence Statement DOWNLOAD 104.37 KB
ESMA 32-67-775 Steven Maijoor delivers speech at ESMA 10 Year Anniversary Conference Speeches Speech DOWNLOAD 172.01 KB
ESMA70-155-11890 Statement CumEx CumCum scandal - Fabrizio Planta Market Abuse, Market Integrity, Speeches, Trading Speech DOWNLOAD 132.57 KB
ESMA50-164-4111 Keynote speech - Safely navigating accelerating digital transformation - Steven Maijoor Digital Finance and Innovation, Speeches Speech DOWNLOAD 127.1 KB
ESMA35-43-2509 Reminder to firms of the MiFID II rules on ‘reverse solicitation’ in the context of the recent end of the UK transition period Brexit, Investor protection Statement DOWNLOAD 151.2 KB
EU-UKFCA MoU EU-UK FCA MoU on consultation, cooperation and exchange of information Brexit, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 219.12 KB
ESMA-UKFCA MoU ESMA-UK FCA MoU on consultation, cooperation and exchange of information Brexit, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 398.41 KB
ESMA71-99-1498 Brexit: ESMA withdraws the registrations of six UK-based credit rating agencies and four trade repositories Brexit, Credit Rating Agencies, Press Releases, Trade Repositories Press Release DOWNLOAD 94.63 KB
ESMA71-99-1483 ESMA71-99-1483 Press Release_EUI Recognition as TC-CSD Brexit, Post Trading Press Release DOWNLOAD 88.94 KB
ESMA32-67-765 Speech Steven Maijoor - The three paradoxes of sustainability reporting and how to address them Financial reporting, Speeches, Sustainable finance, Transparency Speech DOWNLOAD 123.06 KB
JC 2020 86 ESAs highlight the change in the status of Simple, Transparent and Standardised (STS) securitisation transactions at the end of the UK transition period Brexit, Joint Committee Statement DOWNLOAD 82.01 KB
ESMA42-111-5461 Opening Statement ECON Public Presentation FTPR 2 Issuer disclosure, Speeches, Supervisory convergence Speech DOWNLOAD 101.67 KB
ESMA22-103-1194 Keynote address – CMU and current challenges - Verena Ross, International Investors Conference Frankfurt COVID-19, Investor protection, Trading, Speeches, Supervisory convergence Speech DOWNLOAD 155.85 KB
ESMA71-99-1443 PR DTO Final Position Brexit, Trading, Press Releases Press Release DOWNLOAD 82.15 KB
Related documents ESMA statement on DTO Final
Translated versions
70-155-8842 ESMA statement on DTO Final Brexit, Trading Statement DOWNLOAD 79.5 KB
ESMA34-38-259 Future challenges for fund managers - Keynote address by Verena Ross at the AIMA forum on 19 November 2020 Fund Management, Speeches Speech DOWNLOAD 124.19 KB
ESMA34-38-258 EU funds’ resilience in the COVID era - keynote address by Steven Maijoor at EFAMA IMF 2020 COVID-19, Fund Management, Speeches Speech DOWNLOAD 157.45 KB
ESMA70-155-10958 Statement_Brexit_ESMA IT systems_2020Q4 Brexit Statement DOWNLOAD 163.2 KB
ESMA65-8-7497 Public statement on Brexit Data Operational Plan Brexit Statement DOWNLOAD 157.89 KB