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28 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
ESMA80-187-945 Verena Ross' speech at ECMI/CEPS Webinar, 20 April 2022 Credit Rating Agencies, Trade Repositories, Transparency Speech DOWNLOAD 178.1 KB
ESMA74-362-2159 ESMA as a data driven regulator and supervisor - AFME 5th Annual European Compliance and Legal Virtual Conference Market data, Trading, Market data, Post Trading, Risk monitoring, Securitisation, Speeches, Supervisory convergence, Trade Repositories, Transparency Speech DOWNLOAD 167.18 KB
3L3 04/09/08 Presentation held at the Public hearing on the Draft Advice on the review of commodities business CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 78.9 KB
3l3 07/07/08 Presentation held at the Public hearing on Consultation Paper on the review of commodities business CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 81.58 KB
3L3 1/02/07 EW "Conflicts of interest in financial services groups" Speech by Eddy Wymeersch CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 88.45 KB
3L3 1/02/07 MP "Conflicts of interest in financial services" speech by Michel Prada CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 29.12 KB
07-055 "The regulatory regimes in the EU and in the US" by CESR Chairman Arthur Docters van Leeuwen - Delivered by Wim Moeliker CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 80.2 KB
CESR 18/10/06 CESR's fifth anniversary - Intervention by Mr Thierry BRETON, French Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 153.91 KB
ECOFIN 3L3 Speeches by the Lamfalussy Chairs at ECOFIN 11 October, on Progress and opportunities for better regulation CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 99.62 KB
05-579 Speech by John Tiner, Chairman of CESR-Fin, at the IASB meeting with World Standard setters CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 86.89 KB
05-552 CESR’s Investment Management Agenda: First Experiences & Future Priorities” by Arthur Docters van Leeuwen CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 93.66 KB
04-660g The Single Market for Investment Funds: Market Integration and the „End User“ Perspective - by Wolfgang Mansfeld, Union Asset Management Holding AG CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 124.73 KB
04-668 Enhancing supervisory convergence through CESR - by Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, Chairman of CESR CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 93.43 KB
04-660a Assessment of the integration of the Single Market for financial services by the Commission - by Charlie McCreevy, EU Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 63.63 KB
04-660c The integration of the single market for financial services: the Eurosystem perspective - by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 60.8 KB
04-660e Transparency in Costs, Practices and Performances - by Jean-Pierre Paelinck, Euroshareholders CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 27.75 KB
04-660d Speech by Michel Pébereau, President of the European Banking Federation CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 47.47 KB
04-660b The integration of European Financial Markets: What challenges ahead? - by Pervenche Berès, Chair of EMAC, European Parliament CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 144.73 KB
04-660f Fully integrated market of funds? - by Francois Delooz, Head of Asset Management at BNP Paribas CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 24.4 KB
04-456 On-shore Europe, The regulation of Financial Markets by Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, Chairman of CESR CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 92.24 KB