ESMA Library

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481 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
2012/387 IT Orientamenti su alcuni aspetti dei requisiti di adeguatezza della direttiva MiFID Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 343.89 KB
2012/387 HU Iránymutatások a MiFID szerinti alkalmassági követelmények bizonyos szempontjairól Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 349.57 KB
2012/387 EL Κατευθυντήριες γραμμές σχετικά με ορισμένες πτυχές των απαιτήσεων καταλληλότητας που προβλέπονται στη MiFID Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 397.87 KB
2012/387 DE Leitlinien zu einigen Aspekten der MiFID-Anforderungen an die Eignung Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 355.69 KB
2012/387 FR Orientations concernant certains aspects relatifs aux exigences d'adéquation de la directive MIF Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 353.32 KB
2012/387 FI Ohjeet rahoitusmarkkinadirektiivin soveltuvuusvaatimusten tietyistä näkökohdista Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 304.47 KB
2012/387 ET Finantsinstrumentide turgude direktiivi (MiFID) sobivusnõuete teatud aspektide suunised Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 328.4 KB
2012/387 NL Richtsnoeren met betrekking tot bepaalde aspecten van de MiFID-geschiktheidseisen Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 355.02 KB
2012/387 DA Retningslinjer for visse aspekter af egnethedskravene ifølge MiFID Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 341.81 KB
2012/387 CS Obecné pokyny k určitým aspektům požadavků směrnice MiFID ohledně vhodnosti Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 363.15 KB
2012/387 BG Насоки относно определени аспекти на изискванията на MiFID за годност Investor protection, Guidelines and Technical standards Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 357.81 KB
2012/490 Call for expressions of interest in ESMA's Consultative Working Group on Investor Protection and Intermediaries Standing Committee Investor protection Reference DOWNLOAD 130.34 KB
2012/476 Reply of ESMA to the European Commission’s Green Paper on Shadow Banking Investor protection Letter DOWNLOAD 175.94 KB
2012/424 ESMA publishes MiFID guidelines to enhance investor protection Investor protection, Press Releases Press Release DOWNLOAD 118.08 KB
2012/388 Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID compliance function requirements Investor protection Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 442.44 KB
2012/387 Final report Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID suitability requirements Guidelines and Technical standards, Investor protection Final Report DOWNLOAD 444.15 KB
2012/387 en Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID suitability requirements Investor protection Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 298.21 KB
2012/388 EN Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID compliance function requirements Investor protection Guidelines & Recommendations DOWNLOAD 305.13 KB
2012/382 MiFID Q&A in the area of investor protection and intermediaries Investor protection Q&A DOWNLOAD 319.78 KB
2011/446 Consultation paper on guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID compliance function requirements Investor protection Consultation Paper DOWNLOAD 393.94 KB