ESMA Library

The ESMA Library contains all ESMA documents. Please use the search and filter options to find specific documents.

107 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
MOU ESMA/DFSA MOU on the supervision of CRAs - ESMA and Dubai FSA Credit Rating Agencies, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 181.09 KB
MOU Canada ESMA MOU on the supervision of CRAs - ESMA and Canadian authorities Credit Rating Agencies, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 139.68 KB
MOU CNV ESMA MOU on the supervision of CRAs - ESMA and CNV Argentina Credit Rating Agencies, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 169.13 KB
MOU SEC ESMA MOU on the supervision of CRAs - ESMA and SEC Credit Rating Agencies, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 306.87 KB
MOU SFC ESMA MOU on the supervision of CRAs - ESMA and SFC Hong Kong Credit Rating Agencies, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 497.63 KB
2012/124 MOU on the supervision of CRAs - ESMA and MAS Credit Rating Agencies, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 574.14 KB
2011/454 MOU on the supervision of CRAs - ESMA and ASIC Credit Rating Agencies, International cooperation Reference DOWNLOAD 4 MB