ESMA Library

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514 documents
Date Sort ascending Reference Title Sections Type Main document Info
04-660c The integration of the single market for financial services: the Eurosystem perspective - by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 60.8 KB
04-660e Transparency in Costs, Practices and Performances - by Jean-Pierre Paelinck, Euroshareholders CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 27.75 KB
04-660d Speech by Michel Pébereau, President of the European Banking Federation CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 47.47 KB
04-660b The integration of European Financial Markets: What challenges ahead? - by Pervenche Berès, Chair of EMAC, European Parliament CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 144.73 KB
04-660f Fully integrated market of funds? - by Francois Delooz, Head of Asset Management at BNP Paribas CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 24.4 KB
04-456 On-shore Europe, The regulation of Financial Markets by Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, Chairman of CESR CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 92.24 KB
04-483 Management of Conflicts of Interest - Is there a ‘European Way’? Keynote Address by Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, Chairman of the CESR CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 95.56 KB
04-330 European Financial Integration: Progress and prospects - Contribution to High Level Panel by Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, Chairman of CESR CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 61.3 KB
04-318 European Financial Integration: Progress and prospects - Comments to European Commission Conference by Fabrice Demarigny, Secretary General of CESR CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 61.61 KB
04-289 European Financial Integration: Progress and prospects - Comments to break-out session for asset management by Carlo Comporti, Deputy to the Secretary General, CESR. CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 63.26 KB
03-483 CESR’s role in creating the pan European rules by Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, Chairman of CESR CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 67.88 KB
03-115 Speech by Kaarlo Jännäri, Vice-chairman of CESR, at the European Compliance Conference CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 101.85 KB
03-055 A network of regulators to meet the challenges of regulating European Capital Markets by Arthur Docters van Leeuwen CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 96.06 KB
00-099b Stabilisation and Allotment : «A European Supervisory approach» CESR Archive Speech DOWNLOAD 68.35 KB