Subject Matter
Publication of information by CASPs providing the service of exchange of crypto-assets for funds or other crypto-assets
    Where should a CASP exchanging crypto-assets for funds or other crypto-assets publish the “firm price or method of determining the price of the crypto-assets" as required by Article 77(2) of MiCA?

    Where should they publish the “information about the transactions concluded by them, such as transaction volumes and prices”, as required by Article 77(4) of MiCA?
    ESMA Answer

      CASPs providing the service of exchange of crypto-assets for funds or other crypto-assets should publish the information required under paragraphs 2 and 4 of Article 77 in a publicly available location (e.g. on their website) that is accessible to all without registration. 

      The quotations published under Article 77(2) of MiCA should include all elements allowing a party to anticipate with certainty the price at which an exchange would be made.

      The information published under Article 77(4) on executed transactions should remain available for a sufficient period of time. The information would typically be expected to be available until midnight of the following business day.

      CASPs are strongly encouraged to align as much as possible with the format prescribed in the Commission Delegated Regulations on pre-trade and post-trade transparency and record keeping once these Regulations are finalised and made available.

      Status: Answer Published

      Additional Information

      Level 1 Regulation
      Additional Legal Reference
      Article 77
      Crypto-Asset Service Provider (CASP)