ESAs second public consultation on joint Guidelines on the system for the exchange of information relevant to fit and proper assessments
The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) launched a second consultation related to the joint Guidelines on the system for the exchange of information relevant to fit and proper assessments.
The consultation covers amendments extending the scope of the joint Guidelines to legal persons, thus ensuring the complete coverage of data subjects. These Guidelines aim to increase the efficiency of the information exchange between sectoral supervisors by harmonising practices and covering both natural and legal persons.
Responding to this paper
ESAs invite comments only on the inclusion of legal persons in the scope of the Guidelines and the information to be exchanged in relation to them. Other comments will not be taken into account as they are in the scope of the first consultation that is now closed.
The questions of the second consultation have been summarised in section 4.2.
Comments are most helpful if they:
- respond to the question stated;
- indicate the specific point to which a comment relates;
- contain a clear rationale;
- provide evidence to support the views expressed/ rationale proposed; and
- describe any alternative regulatory choices the EBA should consider.
Comments to this second consultation can be sent by clicking on the "send your comments" button on the EBA's consultation page.
The deadline for the submission of comments is 15 January 2024.
Publication of responses
All received contributions will be published following the end of the consultation, unless requested otherwise.
Data protection
Information on data protection can be found under the heading Legal Notice and Data Protection.