Call For Evidence on market characteristics for ESG Rating Providers in the EU

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Sustainable finance

ESMA is consulting on a call for evidence on the market characteristics for the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Rating Providers in the European Union.

This call for evidence seeks to develop a picture of the size, structure, resourcing, revenues and product offerings of the different ESG rating providers operating in the EU. ESMA is looking to complement this picture by collecting views and experiences from the users of these ESG rating providers, as well as those entities covered by ESG rating providers.

It is anticipated that this consultation from ESMA will be followed by a complementary consultation on this topic from the European Commission (EC). The latter should seek stakeholder views about the use of ESG ratings by market participants and the functioning and dynamics of the market, potential issues, but also help inform on potential costs of an intervention at EU level.

► Stakeholders are invited to submit their responses via the questionnaire available HERE by 11 March 2022 for ESMA’s consideration. The feedback received will be shared with the EC.

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  • 202733