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Assessment of significance for the purpose of the Error and Omission Notifications
(a) How should counterparties conduct the significance assessment referred to in Articles 9(1)(a) and 9(1)(c) of Commission Delegation Regulation (EU) 2022/1860 (ITS on reporting under EMIR REFIT)?

More specifically, how should the “NumOfAffReports” and the “Average Monthly Number of Submissions” referred to in the formula for significance in Paragraph 392 of the Guidelines on reporting under EMIR REFIT be calculated?

(b) Paragraph 392 of the Guidelines for reporting under EMIR REFIT states that the actual number of reports should be based on the previous 12 months. In the context of EMIR REFIT being applicable as of 29 April 2024, should data from before 29 April 2024 be included in the 12-month calculation?
Subject Matter
Q&A on open interest thresholds in energy derivatives
How do open interest thresholds that are denominated in lots such as in Article 83(1)(b) of CDR 2017/565 (10,000 lots) and in Article 57(1) of MiFID II (300,000 lots) translate into underlying units of energy derivatives such as Megawatt Hour (MWh), million British Thermal Units (MMBTU), or Therms (therm)?