Cost of Investment Products

The availability of well-designed and cost-efficient products is a key element to encourage increased consumer participation in the European capital markets. ESMA aims to better serve financial consumers’ needs and to reinforce their ability to make informed choices.

ESMA does this by:Costs of investment products




ESMA’s work on the cost of investment products is informed by:

work with NCAs and consumer associations
work with NCAs and consumer associations
market trends
market trends
economic analysis
economic analysis

ESMA focuses on:


Investment Funds

Benchmark Disclosure
Performance fees
Supervision of costs

Economic Analysis

Market Reports
  • What is it? The Costs and Performance of EU Retail Investment Products is an analysis of cost and past performance of investment products, a key element in ESMA’s investor protection mandate and in its financial market surveillance and risk analysis.
  • What does ESMA do? ESMA issues yearly reports as part of its risk monitoring activity. The last edition shows that costs of investing in the most important retail financial products continued to decline and that the availability of well-designed and cost-efficient products is crucial for investors benefits and market confidence.
Closet indexing
Trend and Risk Monitoring: Consumers
  • What is it? Assessment on consumer trends and risks that can be detrimental for consumers.
  • What does ESMA do? ESMA publishes the TRV report twice a year with a section focused on Consumers. Main risk drivers identified: high market uncertainty and inflation risk; aggressive marketing techniques and exposure to riskier products and trading frauds; poor disclosure of costs.
Financial Products
  • What is it? Retail risk monitoring aiming to provide policymakers and supervisors with the information they need to better protect investors. The set of Retail Risk Indicators should aim to reflect market developments, especially the rise of online- or mobile-based retail trading.
  • What does ESMA do? ESMA published the analysis on Key Retail Risk Indicators for the EU single market.


Information to clients on costs and charges
  • What is it? Harmonisation of the way information on costs and charges of products and services is disclosed to (retail) clients.
  • What does ESMA do? Q&As | CSA and mystery shopping
Suitability assessment
  • What is it? Assessment of cost and complexity of equivalent products as part of the suitability assessment performed for advisory services.
  • What does ESMA do?  Q&As | Guidelines | CSA
Product governance

Next steps

  • Economic analysis and monitoring of consumer trends and risks for consumers.
  • Continuing work on costs and performance of retail investment products.
  • Facilitating discussions among NCAs on the supervision of costs in investment funds.