On ESMA's website we use a number of abbreviations and acronyms. The full term is normally used at the beginning of the article, but we have gathered a list of the most commonly used acronyms here for your ease of reference.
APAs | Approved Publication Arrangements |
ARMs | Approved Reporting Mechanisms |
CA | Contract Agent |
CCP | Central Counterparty |
CEAOB | Committee of the European Audit Oversight Bodies |
CMU | Capital Markets Union |
COSO | Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission |
CRA | Credit Rating Agency |
CSD | Central Securities Depository |
DG | Directorate General |
DQAP | Data Quality Action Plan |
DRSP | Data Reporting Service Providers |
DVC | Double Volume Cap |
EBA | European Banking Authority |
ECAI | External Credit Assessment Institution |
ECB | European Central Bank |
ECON | Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs |
EEA | European Economic Area |
EFRAG | European Financial Reporting Advisory Group |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association |
EIOPA | European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority |
ELTIF | European Long-term Investment Funds |
EPSO | European Personnel Selection Office |
ESA | European Supervisory Authority |
ESFS | European System of Financial Supervision |
ESG | Environmental, Social and Governance |
ESMA | European Securities and Markets Authority |
ESRB | European Systemic Risk Board |
EU | European Union |
EURIBOR | Euro Interbank Offered Rate |
EuSEF | European Social Entrepreneurship Funds |
EuVECA | European Venture Capital Funds |
FIRDS | Financial Instruments Reference Data System |
FSB | Financial Stability Board |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent |
IASB | International Accounting Standards Board |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards |
IIO | Independent Investigation Officer |
IOSCO | International Organization of Securities Commissions |
ISA | International Standards on Auditing |
IT | Information Technology |
ITS | Implementing Technical Standards |
JC | Joint Committee |
LEI | Legal Entity Identifier |
MB | Management Board |
MiCA | Markets in Crypto Assets |
MMF | Money Market Funds |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding |
NCA | National Competent Authority |
OLAF | European Anti-Fraud Office |
OTC | Over-The-Counter |
OTFs | Organised Trading Facilities |
Q&A | Questions and Answers |
PRIIPs | Regulations on Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products |
RTS | Regulatory Technical Standard |
SMSG | Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group |
SNE | Seconded National Expert |
SR | Securitisation Regulation |
STS | Simple, Transparent and Standardised |
TA | Temporary Agent |
TC-CCP | Third-Country (non-European) Central Counterparty |
TR | Trade Repository |
TRACE | ESMA’s Trade Repository Data Reporting tool |
TRVs | Trends, Risks and Vulnerabilities |
TS | Technical Standard |
UCITS | Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferrable Securities |
WG | Working Group |
Abbreviations of the legislations
AIFMD | Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directives |
BMR | Benchmarks Regulation |
CRAR | Credit Rating Agencies Regulation |
CSDR | Central Securities Depositories Regulation |
CSRD | Corporate sustainability Reporting Directive |
DORA | Digital Operational Resilience Act |
ECSPR | European Crowdfunding Service Providers Regulation |
EMIR | European market infrastructure regulation |
ESAP | European Single Access Point |
ESEF | European Single Electronic Format |
MAR | Market Abuse Regulation |
MiCA | Markets in Crypto Assets |
MiFID | Markets in Financial Instruments Directive |
MiFIR | Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation |
MMFR | Money Market Funds Regulation |
SFDR | Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation |
SFTR | Securities Financing Transactions Regulation |
SSR | Short Selling Regulation |