Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA)

The Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) institutes uniform EU market rules for crypto-assets. The regulation covers crypto-assets that are not currently regulated by existing financial services legislation. Key provisions for those issuing and trading crypto-assets (including asset-reference tokens and e-money tokens) cover transparency, disclosure, authorisation and supervision of transactions. The new legal framework will support market integrity and financial stability by regulating public offers of crypto-assets and by ensuring consumers are better informed about their associated risks.

MiCA Implementing Measures

The Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA) entered into force in June 2023. The regulation includes a substantial number of Level 2 and Level 3 measures that must be developed before the entry into application of the new regime (within a 12-to-18-month deadline depending on the mandate).

During the implementation phase of MiCA, ESMA (in close cooperation with EBA, EIOPA, and the ECB) is consulting with the public on a range of technical standards that will be published sequentially in three packages. The aim is to deliver draft level 2 and 3 measures that incorporate feedback from the public as soon as possible. The date for the entry into application of the measures is subject to their adoption by the European Commission and approval by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.


Overview of MiCA Consultation Process

ESMA is releasing the MiCA consultation packages in sequence starting with the Level 2 and Level 3 measures with the shortest deadlines. These include those related to authorisation, governance, conflicts of interest, and complaint handling procedures.

The first package will be launched in July 2023. ESMA plans to publish the second package by October 2023. The third and final consultation package, which includes the MiCA mandates with an 18-month deadline, will be published (tentatively) in Q1 2024. A sequential approach will allow for better use of available resources (for ESMA, for NCAs, and for respondents).

Details on the duration of each consultation will become available as they are published.


Consultation Package 1

The first consultation package will be published in July 2023. This package includes technical standards for the following mandates:

  • Article 60(13): RTS on content of notification from selected entities to NCAs
  • Article 60(14): ITS on forms and templates for notification from entities to NCAs
  • Article 62(5): RTS on the content of the application for authorisation for CASPs
  • Article 62(6): ITS on forms and templates for CASP authorisation application
  • Article 71(5): RTS on complaint handling procedure
  • Article 72(5): RTS on management and prevention, disclosure of conflict of interest
  • Article 84(4): RTS on intended acquisition information requirements

Consultation Package 2

The second consultation package is expected to be published by October 2023. This package will likely cover all those remaining mandates with a 12-month deadline, including:

  • Sustainability indicators
  • Business continuity requirements
  • Trade transparency data and order book record-keeping
  • Record keeping requirements for CASPs
  • Classification and templates and format of crypto-asset white papers
  • Public disclosure of inside information

Consultation Package 3

The third and final consultation package is expected to be published in Q1 2024. This package will likely cover all those remaining mandates with an 18-month deadline, including:

  • Qualification of crypto-assets as financial instruments
  • Monitoring, detection, and notification of market abuse
  • Investor protection:
    • Reverse solicitation
    • Suitability of advice and portfolio management services to the client
    • Policies and procedures for crypto-asset transfer services, including clients' rights
  • System resilience and security access protocols

Useful reminders

#BeCryptoAware #BeCryptoAware
#BeCryptoAware #BeCryptoAware
#BeCryptoAware #BeCryptoAware



Supervisory Convergence in the MiCA Transitional Phase

In parallel to the drafting of technical standards, ESMA is working with the national competent authorities (NCAs) on a convergent approach to authorisations of crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) during the transitional phase.

The purpose of this supervisory convergence work is to ensure alignment on supervisory expectations related to entities offering crypto-asset services across EEA jurisdictions in the transitional period of MiCA and to promote, from the outset, consistent practices to be used after the entry into application of MiCA, starting with the authorisation regime.

â–¸ List of grandfathering periods


More background on MiCA transitional measures

Member States will have the option of implementing ‘transitional measures’ (Article 143 of MiCA) that would allow entities or undertakings already providing crypto-asset services under applicable law in their jurisdictions to continue doing so during the transitional phase of MiCA (i.e., the period of 18-months after full application in December 2024). These transitional measures include:

  • A ‘grand-fathering’ clause Art. 143 (3) – allowing entities providing crypto-asset services in accordance with national applicable laws before 30 December 2024 to continue to do so until 1 July 2026 or until they are granted or refused a MiCA authorisation.
  • A simplified authorisation procedure Art. 143 (6) – for entities that were already authorised under national applicable law on 30 December 2024 to provide crypto-asset services.

MiCA transitional timeline



ESMA workplan

During the transitional phase, a mix of regimes (e.g., MiCA or existing bespoke regimes) will coexist across Member States, which may result in disparate levels of protection for consumers of crypto-asset services. To overcome these challenges, ESMA is promoting supervisory convergence between Member States in three ways:

  1. Providing a forum where supervisors from the NCAs can exchange views on practical cases in their jurisdictions, as well as identifying best practices to promote convergence. 
  2. Mapping the current landscape for entities providing crypto-asset services among Member States and surveying how each jurisdiction intends to approach the optional transitional measures. 
  3. Engaging in ongoing consultations with the Commission to provide the basis for a common understanding (as early as possible) on MiCA provisions that might require further clarity. 

Information regarding notification requirements for Member States

Member States are subject to certain notification requirements to EBA and ESMA under MiCAR:
Subject Notification requirement Deadline (if any)
Competent authorities (Article 93 MiCAR) Member States are required to notify the designated competent authorities responsible for carrying out the functions and duties provided for in MiCAR. Where more than one competent authority is designated they need to determine their respective tasks and designate one competent authority as the single point of contact for cross-border administrative cooperation. Once Member States have designated the competent authorities responsible for carrying out the functions and duties provided for in MiCAR.
Laws, regulations and administrative provisions implementing Title VII MiCAR (Article 99 MiCAR) Member States are required to notify the laws, regulations and administrative provisions implementing Title VII MiCAR, including any relevant criminal law provisions, as well as any subsequent amendments thereto.  30-Jun-25
Rules for administrative penalties and other administrative measures (Article 111 MiCAR) Member States are required to notify, in detail, the rules for administrative penalties and other administrative measures in relation to certain infringements and any subsequent amendment thereto. 30-Jun-25
Information on competent authorities' complaints handling procedures (Article 108 MiCAR) Competent authorities are required to set up procedures that allow clients and other interested parties, including consumer associations, to submit complaints to them with regards to alleged infringements of MiCA. They are also required to communicate to EBA and ESMA information on these procedures.  
For further details on the official notification channel and notification template please refer to the following document.

Interim MiCA Register

Latest version

Last update: 14 February 2025


About: Interim MiCA Register

Articles 109 and 110 of the MiCA Regulation empower ESMA to publish a central register of crypto-asset white papers, authorised crypto-asset service providers, and non-compliant entities by 30 December 2024. The information displayed in the register is to be provided to ESMA by the relevant National Competent Authorities (NCAs) and the European Banking Authority (EBA). 

To meet the legal deadline, ESMA has prepared an interim MiCA register which will be updated and (re)published at regular intervals. The interim MiCA register will be available on this MiCA webpage (and on the Databases and Registers webpage) as a collection of csv files until mid-2026 when it will be formally integrated into ESMA’s IT systems. 

The interim MiCA register consists of five csv files:

  1. White papers for crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens and e-money tokens (Title II);
  2. Issuers of asset-referenced tokens (Title III);
  3. Issuers of e-money tokens (Title IV);
  4. Authorised crypto-asset service providers (Title V);
  5. Non-compliant entities providing crypto-asset services.
Update frequency 

Please note that ESMA will publish the latest version of the register on weekly intervals. As such, information that may be reported to ESMA by competent authorities or listed in a national register will not be immediately displayed.

Information on the records displayed in the interim MiCA register 

Records displayed in each of the five interim MiCA register files reflect information received by the authorising (or notified) competent authority. In case an authorisation is withdrawn by the competent authority, this record will remain in the publication with the information on the date in which this withdrawal was effective. Further detail on how to interpret the information and formats for each field are available in the following file:
