
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) of Belgium have issued a joint statement regarding the Euribor benchmark.

The key element of text is:

In 2015, EMMI developed a methodology that would ground the Euribor entirely on transactions (“Euribor+”) and has subsequently carried out a “pre-live verification” exercise, based on data gathered from 31 banks over a period running from September 2016 to February 2017. On May 4th 2017, after consultation with the FSMA and as a result of its pre-live verification exercise, EMMI published its decision not to pursue a transition to the proposed Euribor+ methodology in the short term.

The college of Euribor takes note of this decision and will continue to engage with EMMI on alternative plans for Euribor reform and transition.

The Euribor is a vital element of the European financial system as it is used not only in an extraordinarily large number of financial instruments, but also in very common financial contracts, such as mortgages, as well as to measure the performance of many investment funds across Europe.

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